Stepping Out
Matthew 14:30-31 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out, “Lord, save me.” Jesus immediately reached out his hand and took hold of him, saying to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”
(Nashville, TN) — Penny had enjoyed the Berry Street Corps Women’s Ministries – a weekly meeting of women, for a few years. In the fall of 2015, the start of a new program year led to an emphasis on “˜stepping out’ in faith to truly respond to God’s call in every aspect of life. Sgt. Simms challenged the women to take risks in being obedient to God’s voice.
Penny knew that the simple sharing of her faith and knowledge of the Lord would be taken further. Women in the group had made major changes in their lives as they supported each other with prayer, Scripture and specific support that fit their situations. Penny knew ladies who had gone back to school, dissolved toxic relationships, accepted leadership roles and one even went from living at a rescue mission into a furnished apartment! But how would her life be changed?
Penny already had Skype ministry to groups in Africa, teaching and praying for believers and those yet to believe. But sitting behind a computer screen was a rather safe and protected daily evangelism that she enjoyed.
One day Penny received an invitation to get out of the safety of the boat and cross the waters – she had an opportunity to actually go to Africa and minister! She excitedly shared this with her sisters at Berry Street. They agreed to support her in prayer and financial preparation. The Nashville Area Commander, Major Amy Lee, attended the gathering prior to Penny’s departure to pray with her and assure her of God’s leading.
With assurance, Penny ‘stepped out’ and onto a plane headed to Kenya. Meeting up with a young pastor and his wife, she spoke at a women’s conference in Kenya, visited orphanages, and ministered to women in various settings. She shared monies raised by the Berry Street women to buy food for an orphanage… with enough left over to support an elderly woman!
God blessed Penny’s obedient faith!