On Wednesday, February 12, 2020, International Headquarters live-streamed the launch of the new Women’s Ministries. This reimagining comes with a new mission statement, logo and resources. If you missed the exciting news, read our nine takeaways below or click here to watch the video!
1. There’s a new community of women you can join!
Women’s Ministries’ presence on social media has expanded with IHQ’s new platforms on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.
Join the Facebook group, Salvation Army Women, and be a part of a community of women throughout the world sharing ideas, encouragement, prayer and resources!

2. We‘re invited to join in the conversation of women’s ministries through social media
“I’m inviting you to take a picture of where you are today, join in this conversation of women’s ministries through social media platforms. Let us know what you are doing in your space in the world, so that we can celebrate the accomplishment of ministries to girls and women. We’re inviting you today to use the hashtag #WMreimagining. This is your opportunity to connect via Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. To access the Bible studies, the resources that are already available; it’s about inviting your friends to share in these good things; plus being able to access the films we shared this morning… I’m anxious and eager to see what continues to unfold from the reimagining…” – General Brian Peddle
PHOTO: Salvation Army IHQ

3. There’s a new logo!
“The aim of this reimagined logo is to bring light, life and a freedom of spirit to all women around the world. Where thoughts, actions and morals are, as they have always been, concentrated on the Bible and its universal message, this is reflected in the new design.
The first five international zones of The Salvation Army are identified by the five birds emerging from the sun and the world – which are presented as one. These elements are designed to inspire women from any culture or background that at the dawning of each day they are encouraged to unite as one voice and one body, where God’s love is always at the very center of their being.”

4. And a new mission statement!
We envision women who are:
Transformed and empowered by the gospel to lead a christlike life
Enriched mutually through local and global connections and support
Equipped to fulfill their potential through lifelong learning and development
Engaged in social justice and action to positively impact the world
PHOTO: Salvation Army IHQ

5. We were encouraged to try new ideas – but not forsake what’s working
“While we recognize the strength and impact of existing WM, we also celebrate new opportunities and expressions that are finding innovative and creative ways to speak into and address the challenges that women and girls face in our 21st century.” – Commissioner Bronwyn Buckingham
“I want to challenge all women leaders throughout the Salvation Army world – and that includes officers and soldiers and friends – to reimagine Women’s Ministry in their own context. To discover what new things we can be doing to speak into and overcoming the challenges that women and girls are facing in our world today. We have to stop doing what’s not working – and start doing new things.” – Commissioner Rosalie Peddle
“…Women’s Ministries is not just a Home League program or a Jr. Miss meeting or crafting clubs or tea parties – and I could go on and on. I thank God for them – we need them all. But let me say this: the breadth and reach of Women’s Ministry is limited only by our vision and our willingness to step out in faith to make a difference in the lives of women and girls today; NOW.” – Commissioner Rosalie Peddle
PHOTO: Salvation Army IHQ

6. We learned the backstory of ‘reimagining’
“When we first began this undertaking, I wrestled with several words in an attempt to capture what we were trying to accomplish… landing on a one word summary response proved difficult… as I prayed… God kept speaking words to my heart. Isaiah 43:19 – ‘See, I am doing a new thing. Now it springs up – do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland’ – hallelujah! And it’s out of this calling to see some of these new things, that the word ‘reimagining’ became the defining point for the international Women’s Ministries.” – Commissioner Rosalie Peddle
PHOTO: Salvation Army IHQ

7. And got some clarification on the logo(s)
“…Let me reassure those in our Home Leagues that the house on the Bible still stands, and will remain the symbol of the Home League that is very active in many parts of our world today. God bless the Home League! But just as this logo represented the ministry and mission of the Home League, it is out of this same thread that we wanted to create a logo that would represent the identity of a reimagined women’s ministry. That’s what we worked on. This was not a simple task, and much time and effort went into capturing the essence of a dynamic and diverse women’s ministry within the Salvation Army. But we have achieved success – AMEN.” – Commissioner Rosalie Peddle
PHOTO: Salvation Army IHQ

8. IHQ is hard at work on new Bible studies!
“As part of the International Women’s Ministries reimagining, and aligning with the General’s Call to Mission, I’m excited to share with you the first of five Bible Study series.
The first series, ‘Time to Be Holy’ features 24 studies written by Salvation Army women from around the world and focuses on living in and living out holiness in our everyday life. It is our hope that these Bible study series will be resources for spiritual development and growth, designed to be revised and shared throughout the years to come. We have already begun work on the second series, to be released in late spring 2021, entitled ‘Let Justice Roll’ which will explore how we live together justly in our world and with one another.” – Commissioner Eva Kleman
PHOTO: Salvation Army IHQ

9. This final challenge:
“What has God called you to reimagine, and what are you going to do about it? The experience of greater things comes only by greater things. Let’s be bold in our faith, let’s be purposeful in our action, so that our ministry to women and girls will see even greater things!” – Commissioner Rosalie Peddle
PHOTO: Salvation Army IHQ

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