*some language has been altered for ease of reading
Having many times in varying forms and different places labored to show the Field Officer and Soldier how they can succeed in their Corps, it has seemed to me that my extended experience might enable me to suggest some methods which, if effectively set in motion, will be very likely to make them Failures.
I give these methods confident of their efficiency. They are none of them original, seeing that they have been known and practiced by Salvationists over and over again in the past, and that with striking results.
Still, they may not have come under the notice of all my Comrades, and I present them for their consideration, and such amongst them as are really anxious to let down Corps which the devotion, labors, and sacrifices of their predecessors have built up, and who may be desirous of driving out of the Kingdom precious souls for whom their Master died, will here find recipes which they can adopt and employ with a tolerably certain prospect of success.
So, to Salvationists who do not want to reach and save, we give the following counsels: