Connecting To The Still, Small Voice
Written by Major Anita Caldwell
We have all experienced coming to the end of a day filled with many questions. They are often shaped by care of our family and opportunities to do the most good for the neediest. Yet, we are left wondering why, how, or what. We want answers.
Frustrations come and go with each new day. We often hope that sleep will fix them, but it doesn’t. Somehow our purpose gets lost in frustration. How can we possibly process another form, answer another email and converse with people who simply don’t listen?
Perhaps someone’s harsh words disturb us and we fear that we have reacted in an un-Christian way. Unfortunately, there is no easy fix to that fear. We try to be courageous, but the fear grips and spreads. Can we accomplish the goal set for us that seems impossible? Will my marriage stay strong? Will my child be okay?
We read in John 14:26,27:
“But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (NIV).
The Holy Spirit is sent to be our advocate, teacher, comforter and speaker of truth to our souls. He brings peace and freedom from frustration and fear. However, in the busyness of life we seldom take time to hear His voice. We rationalize, “My life is just too busy.”
Consider trying some of the following:
- Step outside for fifteen minutes and put aside the questions of the day. No music, no words, no people, just enjoy a few minutes of quietness that allow the Lord to breathe hope and peace into your soul.
- Plan one morning to spend an hour in solitude with your Bible and hymnal. As you read and pray, reflect on what the Lord is saying to you and record it in a journal.
- Take time to talk aloud with the Holy Spirit, perhaps on the way to work. Share your questions, frustration, fears and let Him speak to you.
- At work, surround yourself with words that cause you to be joyful. Words such as ”just dance,” “joy,” “crazy blessed” all encourage us to trust. Let your first list each day be one of gratitude. Then ask the Holy Spirit what He might add to the list.
- Take a few receptive moments before God during your otherwise busy morning. Instead of talking to God, look into His face and let the Holy Spirit refresh your soul, revitalize your determination and solidify your calling.
- Choose one book that draws you to Him and lay it on your desk. Pay attention to it rather than to your crazy day that demands decisions without allowing for proper consideration.
- Invite Him into your family, your marriage, your children’s lives and then let go. Just trust and follow His guiding voice. Stop trying to fix everything yourself. Your life and theirs are His to fix, not yours.
- Ask Him to speak to you, to advocate for you, to teach you what to do and help you to embrace the truth of the day.
From the moment you get up until you lay your head on the pillow, the enemy of your soul will whisper lies and if you listen to him, you will lose truth in the negativity. Satan will remind you many times a day that “you are not good enough,” “no one is listening to you,” “you are not loved,” “you are not beautiful,” and his list continues. Don’t accept these lies.
Only the Holy Spirit can breathe truth into your soul and enable you to overcome the lies that destroy your peace. For Him to speak truth, we must make time to hear His voice over the world’s wearying noise and the enemy’s destructive deceit. Jesus walked this world, was crucified, resurrected and ascended into heaven—this should inspires us! His great gift to you and me is the Holy Spirit. Too often, we completely forget this third person of the Trinity. Perhaps we fear what He will require of us. Possibly we believe anything to do with the religious side of holiness is too legalistic. Holy living is something we immediately reject because we think we can never achieve it.
The Holy Spirit is our answer. He does not work through heavy legalistic requirements. He knows that we are made of dust and understands that we will make errors on this journey. He does not condemn. He comforts, encourages and convicts us to take the path that will bring the greatest joy and rest for our souls as we obey His voice. We just need to create that time and space in our lives to hear Him so we can obey Him and enjoy this life He has given us. “God’s Spirit beckons. This resurrection life you received from God is not a timid, grave–tending life. It’s adventurously expectant, greeting God with a childlike, ‘What’s next, Papa?’ God’s Spirit touches our spirits and confirms who we really are” (Rom. 8:15 – 17” The Message.
Questions? Engage the Holy Spirit to answer them for you. Choose to trust His answer.
Frustrated? Invite the Holy Spirit into that frustration and ask Him for relief. He has the power!
Afraid? Let the Holy Spirit restore your peace, hope and trust that He will do exceedingly more than we could ever ask or think.
Count this reading as your official invitation to solitude and silence with the Holy Spirit. Shed all your preconceived ideas about the Holy Spirit or holy living and just listen for His voice. Respect Him with time and space—even if only for a few minutes—to give you peace once again. The benefit you will reap from this reflective pursuit will find you planning for more. Enjoy His presence!